The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada

Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x

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Wednesday Jun 16, 2021

On this episode, I explore the strategy of cash sweep accounts and how they can be useful in providing cash support for your business.   I've been using this term for so long now that I'm not sure whether I coined the phase myself or if I heard it from somewhere else.  So apologies if I haven't appropriately sited the right source.  In essence when used correctly cash sweep accounts can eliminate the overwhelm we feel as business owners around our cash obligations and remove the sleepless nights that often come with small business and lack of cash.  Sounds like something you may be interested in learning more about … take a listen x

EPISODE 42 : Lauren Ranalli

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021

Come join me on this episode as Lauren Ranalli, an award-winning children's book author and marketing coach for aspiring and self-published authors, joins me all the way from Ann Arbor, MI to discuss children's books, social media platforms, how relevant email marketing still is and how to show up authentically every single time.  Lauren kindly shares some easy strategies to think about when tackling this area of your business.  And if you like what you hear here, you can find more on offer over at
It was so much fun chatting with Lauren ... so be sure to take a listen x

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021

With June upon us, after such a tumultuous year in the world and in business, now is the right time to be thinking about that list of things to do in preparation for the end of the financial year.  So in this episode, I thought it only appropriate to examine some of the do's and don'ts for the end of the financial year to ensure that as we round off the last 30 days of the financial year, we get in, get our to do's done, understand the relevant obligations as business owners and of course by doing so, really make the year count.  So take a listen!

Wednesday May 26, 2021

In this episode I have the pleasure of sitting down to talk with Renee Taylor from Mumlife stickers ... an online retail & merchandise store.  But Mumlife is more than just stickers and apparel, it's a community, a tribe that have connected through the passion of Renee to provide support to mums everywhere.  Renee and I discuss money mindset, how experience changes the relationships you have with money, selling ice to eskimos and purple dildos.  It's a great exploration of business transformation and one to have a listen too. So be sure to check it out x

Wednesday May 19, 2021

All too often I work with clients who primarily want to improve their cash situations in their businesses.  And one of the key strategies that provide support in this area is a review of client payment terms.  In this episode I explore some key elements that make up a robust payment term strategy and discuss ways to ensure you are receipting payments in on your terms.  After all, it is your money.  If this has been an issue for you .. this episode is definitely worth a listen.  A x

Wednesday May 12, 2021

In this week's episode I talk about one of my favourite business tools and that is Microsoft Excel.  Having experienced so many transitions in the financial space over the years, the one thing that has remained a constant and still as impactful, is Excel and spreadsheeting.  A powerful stand alone program in it's own right, using it in conjunction to other business tools we have at our disposal for analysis, review, measurement and reporting enhances the base financial information to provide more meaningful and powerful information to run our businesses.  Take a listen ... 

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021

In this episode I’m giving some love to Accountants and the misjudged role they play in small business.  As an accountant (in trade, not in nature) often the tasks required to be performed to ensure small businesses are compliant can often be misconstrued for a simple processing role.  Accountants have undertaken years of study and experience and are often under appreciated for the work that goes into getting a business compliant and keeping them compliant.  So this is an ode to understanding this important role they play for your business. … take a listen x

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021

In this episode, I wanted to take a moment to explore not only the options of debt and equity funding for small businesses, but to also explore the key differences in these types of funding options and the real impacts that a small business owner should consider when deciding what option may be right for their business.  So join me as we explore this topic further.

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021

How lucky are we as business owners to live in a time when we have access to an abundance of analytical information about our businesses … but with great power comes great responsibility!  In this episode I wanted to take a moment to discuss the importance of ensuring that the information we choose to use and the sources of which we choose to draw the information from must be neutralised to ensure that when we do compare the information to make decisions when it comes to our business, that we do so with the information in it’s comparable format … take a listen x

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021

In this episode I chat about an article from Paula McMillan, a member of the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) Personal Financial Specialist Credential Committee who suggests that there are 5 key questions you should ask yourself to build a better budget for 2022.  It's an exploration of questions to assist in building the foundations for a successful budget for 2022 given the changes we've been through in 2020/21.



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