The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada

Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x

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Wednesday Jun 07, 2023

I was recently asked by a business owner whether I guaranteed any type of financial results from my programs … you know the ones I’m talking about .. the promise of $10k months, 5 figure results, 8 figure businesses.
The short answer … no I don’t.
I would never ethically promise, let alone guarantee that these would be the results from ANY program I had to offer. Does that mean I don’t stand by the results my programs have to offer … certainly not! But here’s the thing …
Let me remind you, 8 figure businesses make more than $10m in turnover a year. By definition, a small business is defined as having an annual turnover of $10m or LESS. Now let me ask you, if you were earning $10m a year OR more, would you be on Facebook looking for services? I bet not!
So why would these “experts” waste their money advertising on Facebook in Business Groups that are typically filled with small business owners??
It’s time to call bullshit and start to understand the real dangers in these claims and why we continually get disappointed by these “so-called” coaches giving those qualified a bad name.… A x
References made throughout the episode ..
Small Business Cashflow Course ... is back again on 7th July 2023.  Join the waitlist at

Wednesday May 31, 2023

Unless you’re living under a rock .. you're probably working your butt off in your small business … trying to manage the ever-changing challenges outside of your control all the while costs are increasing and sales are getting harder than ever to make. But amidst this trying journey, there's one constant that can make or break your success: your cash flow.
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, you should know that keeping costs in check is a superpower. It's the secret sauce that allows you to weather storms, stay competitive, and thrive even in the most uncertain times.
The question is … have you got them in check? If not wanna learn how? Here are some ways you can start now … take a listen. A x
Key moments throughout the episode ...
Important note about maintaining financial information [03:27]
What is cost-cutting (really)? [05:07]
Get rid of expenses that no longer serve any purpose [06:43]
Locate trends on how and when you spend money to find cost-cutting opportunities [09:06]
End of financial year sales and why these may be a trap [11:39]
How your suppliers can help with cost-cutting [13:28]
Review your loans and payment arrangements [16:04]
If you'd like to know more about cutting costs ... other episode that may be of interest to you include;
🎧 Episode 109 : 6 ways to pocket more profit
🎧 Episode 53 : Ways to save money at Tax time
If you'd like to join my email community for other financial tips and resources,
And if cashflow is an issue, my Small Business Cashflow Course is coming back in July ..join the waitlist at

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Here’s something you might be interested in knowing as you seek services for logos, websites and photoshoots when getting excited about starting a business …
😱 two-thirds of all businesses will survive just two years in business.
😱 half of those that do survive the first two years, will only make it to five years
😱 and only one-third of that half, will survive to ten.
I say this not to deter you from starting a business, but rather to ask you the question … in all your enquiries for services to commence your business, did you once seek help to ensure that you set the financial foundations right??
If not, could you be sabotaging your business?? And do you care to find out??  Take a listen ...
If you'd like to get in touch to see how I can assist your business journey, simply head to
Or if you'd like to sign up to my email community where you will find financial tips and support,
If cashflow is an issue, join my Small Business Cashflow Course waitlist at

Wednesday May 17, 2023

As I glance down at my calendar, yes I have one on my desk .. I’m reminded very quickly of how tax time often brings stress and anxiety to business owners. There is just something about the end of a financial year that gets everyone on edge. Is it the fear that not enough has been done? Perhaps it’s the word “tax” alone that has people filled with dread. So I ask you … How does a stress-free tax time sound to you?
If that’s what you want … the you’ve come to the right place. This episode will explore exactly how you can achieve a stress-free tax season by implementing effective strategies and techniques. Come for the strategy, stay for less stress. Let's dive in!
Key elements throughout the episode ...
1st actionable step : Understand what your obligations are [07:35]
2nd actionable step : Automate tasks where you can [08:13]
3rd actionable step : Keep your financials organised regularly [09:32]
4th actionable step : Have a cash plan [11:47]
If you want more tips, please join my email community
If you want to develop a foundational cashflow strategy, sign up to the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course
If you want to discuss other options ... simply book a discovery call with me

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Have you ever thought about how your current behaviours can predict your future behaviours? It's a fascinating concept to explore. Our habits and actions are not just isolated events, but rather a reflection of our deeper beliefs and values.
What we do today can have a significant impact on who we become tomorrow. It's like a ripple effect that starts with one small action and can grow into something much larger.
Of course, there are many factors that can influence our behaviour, such as our environment, the way we grew up .. our social circles. But ultimately, we have the power to shape our own futures by intentionally identifying these behaviours and making different choices by prioritising different values.
Let’s discuss … A x
Key points made throughout the episode;
1st Actionable step : Identify those negative behaviours [10:11]
2nd Actionable step : Understand the root cause [10:46]
3rd Actionable step : Replace negative behaviours with positive ones [11:30]
4th Actionable step : Build a support system [12:48]
How I can help [13:35]
Other podcast episodes on Habits as mentioned throughout the episode;
Episode 128 : Are you willing to change your money habits to have a better life financially?
Episode 80 : Money Mindset Myths 
Episode 57 : How to remove money blocks and create financial abundance
Episode 22: Mini Habits
If you want to make cash management a priority and change some of these negative behaviours, join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course
If you want to join my email community and get access to tips, resources and news,
If you'd like to book a 1:1, no obligation, discovery call with me 

Wednesday May 03, 2023

Humour me for a moment … close your eyes. Imagine what life would be like for you if you didn’t have to worry about your money. I’m not asking you to imagine an abundance of money … I’m asking you to imagine if you didn’t have to worry about it. You knew you could pay your bills on time, you had enough left over to reinvest and buy more stock or god forbid pay yourself a wage … what would that be like?
Now open your eyes … does it look like that?
I had a client tell me that for the first time since starting her business, she was so excited that she got to have a weekend without stressing about money. Did she suddenly have an abundance of money? No .. was she suddenly booked out? No … what she did have was a strategy that she was committed to, that provided her with the calm she needed to have a weekend without thinking about work. She wasn’t where she wanted to be financially, but for the first time, she knew what she had to keep doing to get there. Can you say the same? Would you be willing to change your money habits to have financial freedom? Let’s discuss .. A x
Links discussed throughout the episode ..
Join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course
Book a discovery call for 1:1 coaching
Other ways to get in touch ...
Join my mailing list ...

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023

Many entrepreneurs start their business with a lot of passion and enthusiasm, but find out that there's a lot to learn. Because lets face it … running a business is hard. I’ll be the first to admit that learning from doing is extremely important and valuable to this journey, but some lessons can come at a high price.
Mistakes in business can cost you time, money, and even your reputation. But here is the thing … its important to know that some mistakes in particular can be avoided. With the right tools and knowledge, you can avoid making costly mistakes.
👉🏻 Here are 3 that might be of interest to you … take a listen. A x
Key moments throughout the episode ...
First rule ... That the term Cashflow Management is just a fancy accounting term reserved for bigger businesses [06:36]
Second rule ... There are more numbers in your business that will improve your success than just your revenue or sales number [12:58]
Last rule ... not knowing soon enough when something isn't working [15:59]
If you'd like to explore how to manage any of these here are ways we can work together...
Join my community and receive tips and strategies
Book a discovery call for more 1:1 bespoke program options
Join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course opening again on the 17th July 2023 

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

I was once asked whether I only tailored my business coaching to female business owners. Up until that moment, I hadn’t ever thought I’d gender specified my services at all.
So when I looked back on the profile of clients I currently work with and have worked with in the past … I’ll admit, they have been predominantly female. Was that intensional on my part? Certainly not! The services I provide are tailored towards business owners, period.
Then one day I was on a discovery call with a potential client who mentioned that she wanted to explore working only with female business coaches, who in particular were mums … because she felt they would understand her life and availability to the journey better. Which got me thinking .. take a listen ... A x
If you'd like to get in touch to see how we can work together, simply head to

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023

This year marks the 12th year since I started my business. The 12th year of working with some amazing and driven business owners.
But it wasn’t until just recently I was asked a question that stopped me in my tracks … “Are you successful in your business” … A seemingly simple question .. yet for some reason I found myself with more questions than the one I was being asked. It made me pause …
Not because I didn’t know the answer, but more because I was curious as to why they wanted to know. Or even, what prompted them to ask? Was it a perception thing (did I not present as successful enough in their opinion) or was it something more.
So I thought I’d share with you this reflection .. take a listen. A x

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023

You don’t need me to tell you the importance of sound financial management for the success of your business. However, slow periods can be particularly challenging, and therefore it's important to know how to use this time wisely. And let’s face it, we’ve all experienced slow periods in our businesses, and may be experiencing one right now given the state of the world and it’s economy.
Now whilst it may feel discouraging, it can also be a gift. Slow periods give rise to opportunity, to use the time to refocus your attention, keep relationships going, prioritise what's important, improve your attitude, and set up optimum conditions for success.
Instead of feeling discouraged or worse still, panicking, I thought I’d use this episode to examine things you can be doing when business is slow. Take a listen … A x
Key moments throughout the episode ..
Range of emotions we go through .. you know the ones, Frustration, Worry and Fear [01:50]
Suggestion 1 : Look at what people are paying for at present and learn what your customers value the most about them [03:48]
Suggestion 2 : Build a profile of WHO is purchasing your products or services [05:56]
Suggestion 3 : Check in on your marketing tools [08:56]
Suggestion 4 : Focus in on your financial numbers [10:15]
Suggestion 5 : It's no time to panic [12:16]
Suggestion 6 : Self care is more important than ever during this time [13:17]
Links mentioned throughout the episode ..
Book a discovery call with me



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