The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada
Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
One of the biggest misconceptions I’ve found when it comes to talking about cashflow with business owners, is the idea that cashflow is all about income.
The truth of the matter is, cashflow is really about having the right amount of cash in the right places at the right time … every time.
So whilst it is about income, it is also about expenses AND more so whether they align at the right time to facilitate the movement as it’s required. You get this right, then you have a very healthy cashflow my friend.
Broad as that may be, here are 4 specific tips to creating and maintaining a healthy cashflow for your business … grab a pen because I have a 5th one at the end of the episode which is truly transformative that you’re gonna want to know about … Take a listen. A x
Key episode markers;
Tip 1 : Get visibility over your cash movements [3:47]
Tip 2 : Continuously review your expense [7:32]
Tip 3 : Control your payment terms [9:49]
Tip 4 : Keep an eye on your liabilities [11:17]
Bonus tip ... [12:47]
Links mentioned throughout;
Small Business Cashflow Course (commencing February 2023)
Set up a discovery call
Join my community

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Here we are, day …. I don’t actually know, into 2023 and I feel like a have a hangover. My original topic that I’d planned for my first episode back was literally all about “Are you ready for 2023” .. Only to find myself not so ready. Is that a bad thing? Should I not be sharing that?
There was no big bang for me as the year started, no new year fresh feeling nor that immediate desire to get back behind my keyboard … 2022 was a tough year for so many reasons in my world, so as I find myself several days into the new year, I think I was confusing the overwhelming desire to leave 2022 behind with being ready for the speed at which 2023 has come at me.
But it’s forced me to question what 2023 will actually look like and how I will get myself ready for it … take a listen. A x
Relevant links as mentioned throughout the episode ...
Join my community 👉🏻
Register for my Small Business Cashflow Course back February 2023

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
When I think back to how I felt when 2021 finally ended, there was hope, relief and a sense of trepidation for the unknown that I’d never felt before. What was 2022 going to be like on the back of the mess that was left in the wake of COVID.
What did that mean for small business, for business in general … for my business? But even bigger than that … what did that mean for life in general .. After what could only be described as somewhat of a shit show … I remained hopeful.
Enter, 2022 … what a year! For what it’s worth … here’s what I learned … here is my take on it. A x
Episode highlights :
The questions business owners wanted answers to in 2022.
The lack of action many have taken to financially safeguard their businesses.
How finances still don't feature as a priority to most business owners, making me wonder whether businesses have ignored the warning signs of the last couple of years.
The obsession coaches have developed with promoting their own revenue results rather than prioritising those of the programs they offer.
The danger of comparison between businesses and falsity of social media having a huge impact here.
Government future spending and how it's funding programmed us to fail and pay for it going forward.
A lot about myself and 2023.
If you'd like to develop a financial strategy for your business in 2023, lets chat

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
There is something freeing about the stroke of midnight on new years eve that I love. It almost feels like a right of passage to start again and use the fresh start to do it all better next time. It comes with a promise of hope and freedom that as a business owner, makes me feel empowered and ready in a way.
This year has felt hard, and so I’m really looking forward to this moment. And whilst I know it’s only another day … there is something about it.
So how can we use this moment and change in year to get more decisive in our business to get out of our own way, get on with it and go into 2023 with the right tools to make it count? Keep listening … A x
Key techniques listed throughout the episode;
Get feedback [3:16]
Be open to change [4:47]
Stress test or scenario test your product/service or program [6:12]
S.M.A.R.T. Goals [9:53]
Don't be afraid to make mistakes [11:24]
Understand why you are hesitate [12:13]
Hear more about my new group coaching program coming in 2023 [7:38]
If you'd like to join the waitlist, please email

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
The conundrum … we work hard, we strive to generate more income in our business and then ultimately more income for ourselves … only to find that the more we tend to make, often results in seemingly having less of it in the end. How is this even possible?
We teeter back and forth asking ourselves where all the money we make is going, with no real understanding how we were able to transition to making more yet having less of it to use. Are we simply spending more to make more? Or are we not paying enough attention to how we can make more without eating into the profits …
Here are 6 ways you can pocket more of your hard earned money in profit, whilst running a successful business. Check them out here. A x
Key points made throughout the episode;
1st strategy : Set a budget [2:01]
Why budgets fail [2:43]
How a budget can help pock more profit [4:51]
2nd strategy : Track your spending [5:30]
3rd strategy : Identify the meaningless spending in your business [6:48]
4th strategy : Negotiate rates (even your own) [7:39]
5th strategy : Have a savings plan [9:19]
6th strategy : Know your debt [10:23]
If you'd like to discuss these strategies further to build one of your own, simply set up a time to chat at

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
For anyone who knows me, knows I love a good quote … and one that I keep in my back pocket for daily inspiration is one from the formidable Sheryl Sandberg.
Sheryl wrote the book “Lean in” and she was quoted as saying “We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in.”
I was reminded of this just recently when a fellow female business owner reached out to me desperately ready to let go of her past financial habits that had been holding her back, and move into a financial future that created opportunity and growth for her business.
I was impressed by her clarity in knowing what she wanted and her willingness to get started. And then she didn’t … well, not at first. Find out why … take a listen. A x
Want to invest in your financial future? Why not book a call and discuss your options?
Other options to invest in your financial future ..
My Small Business Cashflow Course commences again on the 6th February 2023

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Being a mum and running a business has its challenges on my every day schedule. Being a mum with a child who has special needs … adds a special kind of element to each day that I have no choice but to work with.
But I have found over time, that for me, the more organised I am in the morning … the more tasks I can perform before my son even wakes for the day, the better the day seems to runs for me.
Whilst it hasn’t been easy adapting to the 5am starts … the benefits it has afforded me definitely outweighs the difficulties. Here is just a snippet of what has worked for me … Take a listen. A x
The 5 steps to my morning routine..
[1:46] The benefit of an early wake up time and why I chose 5am
[3:29] The power of getting yourself ready for the type of day you are expecting
[6:38] How routine, consistency and planning aids in staying on top of my rotation of household chores, and the mindset shift benefit of getting these done before the working day commences
[11:59] The most important meal of the day
[12:43] Using time effectively to create a plan to tackle the working day

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
‘Tis the season … is upon us my friend. Well it will be in the blink of an eye … Whilst it’s a time to celebrate regardless of what industry you are in … you need to still be fully aware of the impact this time of the year can have on your business.
There are many ways you can use this time now to start to prepare for being in the thick of the silly season, so I thought I’d use this episode to outline some ways to ensure you can go celebrate without the weight of being a business owner and the stresses that may come with that at this time of year… come join me. A x
Links mentioned throughout the episode ...
ezi-Pac is at the forefront of the third party logistics, eCommerce and product rework industries, offering clients the experience of working with a dedicated team across a range of services to give you the freedom to work on your business, rather than in it.
If you'd like to see whether they can assist your business throughout this period with distribution and ecommerce needs, head to to make an enquiry.
Set up a 2023 planning call with me...
If you'd like to set up a call with me in relation to planning for 2023, head to

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Debt … a vehicle by which a business can purchase assets they wouldn’t otherwise have been able to afford immediately, to help grow their business.
If chosen and managed correctly, good debt can generate and should generate, more value or money than the debt itself would cost. But when getting into debt, the intent is to eventually get yourself out of it … and therefore, whether it’s good debt or not, you still need a strategy to get out of it. In this episode I wanted to look at 5 ways you can do this successfully. Take a listen … A x
Fear not my friend .. Here are ways I can help;Join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course a free cashflow power session with me

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Burn out … a state of mental and physical exhaustion caused through mismanagement of time and continued workplace stress. Burn out … a place of feeling zapped of any energy, mental distance and the inability to keep going. …
Sound familiar? It certainly does to me .. when I first started out in business with a new born, I thought I could continue to work as I’d always done so. My body made me very much aware that wasn’t going to be the case. Regardless of how much I tried to push through … I couldn’t escape it. And whilst, 10 years down the track, I’m still recovering … I have learnt a few things along the way on how to avoid being back in that position again … take a listen, A x
Fear not my friend .. Here are ways I can help; Join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course Schedule a free cashflow power session with me

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