The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada
Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Whilst they say that money can’t buy you happiness, we can all agree that having more of it comes with its own perks. You see … we are lucky because we all have access to more money if we want it. But here is the catch .. money is just a tool.
You have the choice whether you will use the money available to you to build yourself up financially, or use it to ruin yourself financially.
The best thing about this is that you get to decide … you are completely in charge of that decision. But with great power comes great responsibility … and in this case, the outcome of this decision depends on how you execute it … let me explain. A x
Fear not my friend .. Here are ways I can help;
Join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course
Schedule a free cashflow power session with me

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
If I had a dollar for every post I scrolled past on social media that asked for a coach or mentor of some sort, scrolling social media would be a lucrative career.
The term coach .. simply a person who instructs or trains another.
But can all those who seek a coach or mentor be coached, or more so, are they ready to be coached or trained in their business?
To take on a coach or mentor in your business means you need to be ready to not only see the amazing transformations you and your business are about to receive, but realistically it means you need to be ready to work harder than you’ve ever worked before on something that won’t come naturally to you, to get the results you so desire. You ready for that? Let’s chat about it. A x
If you are interested in how we can work together simply register for a FREE discovery call

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
My guest, Abby, aka The Social Media Mama … is no stranger to running a business. Once quoted as saying that “Long hours, late nights, stress, grey hairs, tears, laughter, opportunities, feeling worthless” are all part of owning a successful business, Abby understands just what it takes. Having sold her first ‘serious’ business and now following her self-taught passion in the world of social media. Abby is motivated to help others realise their dreams and create their own online presence. She has done it all .. and might I add, with some of the most unimaginable challenges thrown at her.
Join Abby and I … A x
Ways to get in contact with Abby
Insta Creators Hub (Membership waitlist)
Info page:
Instagram Waitlist

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
When I set out to start this podcast, never did I imagine it would get to it’s 100th episode 🎉🥂.
This little ‘ol podcast really has become my business baby. So for this my 100th episode I wanted to open the doors to my world even further and tap into the vulnerability of what it’s taken for me to get here and stay here.
Picture this if you will .. Here I am, fresh out of my successful corporate career … Heading into my second year in my own coaching business. Finding myself already with a wait list of clients because my current placements were full. All this with a new beautiful baby boy in toe, and a loving and supportive partner cheering me on. Life was good. It was fast and full, I could see clearly what the future would look like, feel like, be like. I was confident in this space, because working was important to me for my individual identity and there was nothing going to stop me. Until I heard the words “Your baby has had a stroke”.
Join me as I step out of my comfort zone and into vulnerability ... and to celebrate my 100th Episode. A x

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
In a world where we can communicate without speaking, send coordinates of where we are at the drop of a pin, find something that’s lost by pinging it … it’s no wonder we were going to evolve to ensure we had what we wanted to buy long before we had to pay for it, without the upfront commitment of interest like a credit card arrangement … enter Afterpay.
Afterpay … with over 16 million users currently worldwide ... it's the new lay-by system of our time modified to cater to the age of instant everything. For those who aren’t aware of what Afterpay is, it is a payment system that allows consumers to receive their goods now, in exchange for a direct debit commitment of fortnightly payments over 4 equal instalments, completely interest free.
Some argue that it’s a credit issue waiting to happen to good people, or is it a smart budgeting tool?? Let’s chat about it … A x
Relevant Resources ...
3 Things you can do daily to improve your cashflow - FREE PDF Download
Join the waitlist for my Small Business Cashflow Course - Coming again February 2023

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
I see more and more business owners finding it useful to have the bookkeeping of their business either done in their business, or done specifically by themselves. This may be a money saving thing, or it could be an attempt to get closer to their numbers. As a financial coach, I’d like to think it’s motivated by the later … but I can’t say for certain. There is more to getting to know your numbers than it just being an attempt to keep ones head above the water so to speak … With the economy the way it is, every decision and every movement of cash matters.
Whatever the motivation, there is one thing that is consistent … that is that business owners want more control of it, and to learn more about how to best manage this so that they can get back to doing what they love. Because let’s face it … it’s ain’t the sexiest job we do as business owners. But definitely one that we can all agree needs to be done.
So I wanted to take a moment in this episode to provide some strategies on how to make this easier on yourself, improve the efficiency to getting it done and most importantly to ensure that the information is accurate and timely. And who doesn't want that! Take a listen. A x
Promised resources
Xero Mini Course ..
Quickbooks Mini Course ..
Profit & Loss Spreadsheet ..

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
I remember once being told that “Failure is an inescapable part of life and a critically important part of any successful life”. Throughout everything I have ever done in my life, I refuse to accept failure as something that is final, but rather something that has a lesson to be learned. And if I’m being totally honest, I don’t like the term failure … it leaves such a bad taste in ones mouth, but more importantly it forces people to make irrational decisions that come with some pretty hefty consequences.
As a financial coach, I see this more often than I’d like to, business owners refusing to understand how to identify when it’s time to move on because it’s not working. They’d rather dig a greater hole, and lose more money, than accept that it’s time to move on. And not moving on isn’t failing, it’s just a bad business decision.
So here is the thing … if a product, service or even business isn’t converting your products or service into cash that effectively sustains the running of your business without you having to continuously pour additional money into it … you need to either, as they say, shit or get off the pot.
If you can’t figure it out, don’t want to figure it out, refuse to figure it out … at least know when to call it a day. Because you will be bleeding cash if it’s not done right. And losing cash in this economy just ain’t going to be fun my friend! And certainly not when you have a real opportunity to make a change to improve your situation for the better. Let's chat about this. A x
If you'd like to find out more about my Small Business Pricing Course, simply email
Other relevant resources ... FREE Download : The elements of a successful pricing strategy :

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
They say that successful people are not gifted; they just work hard and then succeed on purpose.
My guest, Jada Perfect, the boss lady behind Boss Lady, epitomises this! Jada called bullshit long ago on those who criticised her differences, and decided to celebrate them and use them to her own advantage.
She now has a Master’s degree in Business Management, over 10 years of running several businesses, with 2 successful businesses currently in tow …
Jada is doing things her way and making a difference to so many other aspiring business owners along the way.
This is a great chat where we talk all about how Jada got thrown into running her first business with her mum's guidance. What impact COVID had on both her businesses. The greatest risk she continues to take in business and, find out what Jada and I agree on when comes to operating your business . … come join Jada and I, it's was loads of fun x
Ways you can get in contact with Jada ..
Instagram @thebossladybiz

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
What is it that "they" say … “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you” ..
Tax time … a friendly reminder that the tax man, who didn’t spend one hour contributing to our business for the last 12 months, needs to get paid! Normally when we dish out payments for services, we receive something in return. As business owners, tax time is the time of year we need to find cash from our hard earned businesses to line the tax mans pockets, with feelings of nothing to show for it.
Regardless of what business structure you are under, there is a tax to be paid on income earned. Now whilst I hate paying taxes just as much as the next guy ... here is the thing … you only pay tax on profits if you’re a company and on income levels if you’re a sole trader.
So I ask you … if you are paying tax, doesn’t that mean you made money? And if so, isn’t that a good thing? Let’s chat about this …. A x
Key discussion points throughout the episode ...
How we can reframe the conversation [3:36]
Strategies that can assist with the mindset shift and management of payments [5:53]
Working examples of how you can get started with these strategies today [7:54]

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Superannuation ... the portion of our earnings that is placed in a fund and typically held there for use after we retire. Employers are legally bound to pay this sum on behalf and as a term of employment of their employees ... but what if you're a business owner? This onus falls on you ... If I had a dollar for every time a business owner told me that they hadn’t yet gotten around to paying themselves a wage, let alone any allocation for superannuation, I’d have a better retirement plan than I’d even planned for.In this episode we explore the real impact of not considering superannuation as a cost in your business and how to change that so that you can start to plan for your future lifestyle. After all, you work hard as a business owner ... so should your money for your future. Take a listen. A x🔗 Links as mentioned in the episode ...Small Business Cashflow Course started Monday the 5th September, sign up now to avoid missing out.

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