The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada

Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x

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Wednesday Aug 24, 2022

Alan Miltz said “Revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity and cash is king” … if you haven’t heard this version of the quote, no doubt if you’re a business owner the whole “cash is king” portion has come up once or twice. Why? Because in the game of chess, the King piece is the most important piece of which each player needs to checkmate (or strategically place) in order to win the game. And they only have once piece to do so.
Just like in business, we need to strategically use pieces we have available to us to ultimately arrange, strategically place or checkmate the final piece (or our cash) to reinvest back into our business and do it all again. Growth, profitability, pay ourselves a wage. How we use our cash, how we organise it … makes the world of difference. So that’s why I created my Small Business Cashflow Course .. A transformative skill set that will work, guaranteed, for your business and even if transferred right … can work in the personal management of your money also. Take a listen. A x
Find out more about the course and sign up here ...

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022

Bartering is not a new concept, it goes way back ... so it should come as no surprise that transactions that fall under this system are required to be reported to the ATO. 
But as bartering is part of the small business community ... there is no reason to fear the obligations and requirements that comes with such transactions ... or most importantly, ignore them.
Now stay with me ... this episode walks you through the details you need to know when it comes to ensuring that you capture this information correctly, effectively and most importantly accurately for your business.  So be sure to check it out. A x
Key discussion points throughout the episode;
[2:12] What is bartering or trade exchange?
[3:29] Ensuring the arrangement is fair and equitable.
[4:21] Having a formal arrangement in place.
[5:04] Obligations that arise in such arrangements.
[5:38] How avoidance isn't worth it.
[6:11] Impact on income tax and GST.
[9:01] What is meant by a book entry.
[9:19] GST registration and threshold impact.
[10:21] Benefits of reporting these transactions correctly.
[12:02] Housekeeping requirements.
Want to discuss this matter more?
Book a free discovery call with me
Email me on
Call me on +61 404 083 222

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022

As business owners we lead in many ways, and often those that make the most impression do so out of pure determination and passion for what they do. Tenille Lawrence, founder of Little Birdie Hair Co, definitely emulates pure determination and passion for her business and life and takes some time out of her extremely busy day to sit down and take a moment with me to share her business journey.
Tenille talks candidly about everything from turning her step out of high school into an international career, to declaring bankruptcy and starting all over again. She also shares how she manages to continue to live the life of her dreams and why being a sustainably, low tox salon owner is of utmost importance to her and her team.
The recipient of not one but two "Australia's best eco salon" awards, a mother of 4, and manager of over 28 staff members, Tenille is exactly where she wants to be ... come take a listen to her story. A x
Highlights throughout the episode;
[2:59] How Tenille got started in business ... from mobile hairdressing to international educator.
[5:56] Raising capital and getting help from mum to keep spending on track.
[9:51] Little Birdie Hair co is born, with a great story on how it came to be named.
[12:04] How learning she had chemical poisoning led to Tenille created the foundations for sustainability practices and low tox colouring to be rolled out in her salons.
[17:08] Recycling hair as a sustainable measure, and why it's great for soil.
[17:39] Tenille draws upon her own experiences and discusses getting White Ribbon Accredited.
[19:54] Managing teams and how having a solid and trusting management team supports self care.
[22:49] Leaning in to support and how Tenille juggles business and a very busy household.
[25:57] The 2 pieces of advice Tenille has for business owners.
[28:10] What the future holds for Tenille and Little Birdie Hair co.
How you can learn more about Little Birdie Hair co and get in contact;
🖥 Website
🖱 Instagram @littlebirdiehairco

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022

I've always been a perfectionist. But that clearly had to change when I started out in business.  Wasn't an easy transition I can tell you, and even now I still get stuck in my own head about certain things that hold me back. I had to change my mindset to know that the very fear of making a mistake can be turned into action. And action creates steps forward ... 
And Lord knows I've made plenty of mistakes on this business journey ... of which, all, upon reflection, have created new opportunities. But the latest mistake I've made has left me stumped for a lot longer than I wanted it to.  I'll admit, that perfectionist in me has crept in a little here, but only because I just knew that correcting this mistake would mean a real game changer for the students of my Small Business Online Course.  And that's been the motivating factor.  But I think I'm on the right track and am (as we speak) making all the necessary changes needed to get it right.
The thing about this mistake is that it's been a real turning point for my business in general, and that's what has me excited the most.  And I'm looking forward to seeing it all come to life.  Come take a listen as to how I'm going to get this one right. A x
Links to courses mentioned throughout the episode;
Small Business Cashflow Course (waitlist) :
Know your numbers online course (waitlist) :
Join my email community ..

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022

"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception." - Aldous Huxley
Catfishing, the term given to luring someone into a relationship based on a fictional persona. Whilst the term is relatively new in the scheme of things, the art of catfishing in business has been around for many decades. But with the rise of consumer choice through channels such as Social Media platforms, we are being bombarded with lures of all kinds, promises if you will, of outcomes that may or may not be entirely accurate.  But how to tell the truth, or do we not want to know if the lure is desirable enough?
For some time now I've been convinced that my experience was enough in this game of being in business.  But I'm learning very quickly that if you fall short of being a marketing expert or hiring a marketing expert, you will find a real battle on your hands for space.  The real shortfall though, is there are so many "experts" that are making claims that can't be substantiated by real world experience, and the reputations of industries are getting hit hard as a result.
Do you or are you being catfished in business? And more importantly, how can you tell?
In this episode, I explore this notion whilst examining whether it's impact by perception.  Whilst I speak to my knowledge in the coaching space, catfishing and business isn't reserved for just the coaching space and there are so many examples of this in every industry.
Join me as I explore this notion and discuss this concept in business and whether it's just part of being in business, or whether there is something we can do about it as a consumer. Take a listen. A x
Other episodes as mentioned throughout;
CASHFLOW          EP63 : When there is more to cashflow than sales
PRICING          EP58 : The perfect price point
COLLECTING MONEY          EP39 : Recovering cash on your own terms
GOOD HABITS & DEBT          EP30 : Handling debt & good habits to get into
FUNDING OPTIONS          EP69 : Funding options for small business
FINANCIAL REPORTING          EP84 : Financial Forecasting Confidently
My social links to learn more about me;
LinkedIn :
Facebook :
Instagram :
Website :

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022

As business owners our brand and voice is such an important part of the competitive landscape we find ourselves navigating.  Doing it is one thing, but getting it done right is a whole other thing for which my guest Erin Morris is an expert in. 
Erin Morris from Erin Morris Co, takes some time from her digital nomadic lifestyle to join me to discuss everything from brand stories, copywriting and why it's so important for businesses.  We also explore email sequences, messaging and how the knowledge of Richard Branson getting Virgin (airline) off the ground (pardon the pun) in 3 months has made an impact on the way she values what she can achieve in 3 months.
It's a great in depth, conversation that certainly has forced me to rethink how I see my messaging and in particular how the term "hero" when it comes to website space takes on a whole other meaning.  Join Erin and I as we explore how extremely hard she works to get this right for her clients, and how much love she has doing it ... take a listen. A x
Key discussion points throughout the episode;
Business Brand Stories and how they play a part in getting your messaging right for your business [8:07]
Donald Miller's "Building a story brand" discussion [8:51]
Being the guide for your clients journey [9:36]
What it takes to understand a brand and the steps Erin takes when working with clients [12:16]
How, "if you speak to everyone, you speak to no one" [14:52]
What a website needs for conversion [18:29]
The importance of the Hero section of your website and how you long it takes someone to make a purchasing decision [19:20]
SEO [25:24]
Email sequences and the importance of frequency during a launch [31:51]
Erin has an amazing download for you to access here 👇🏼
You can get in contact with Erin in the following places ;
Instagram :
Facebook :
Website :
If you'd like to find out more about my Small Business Cashflow Course as mentioned in the episode, simply visit
Or join my email community ...

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.” - Bruce Lee
It's almost like Bruce Lee was talking specifically about the amazing graphic design tool that is Canva. Used daily in my business, it provides me with a business strategy all unto itself. Let's face it ... I'm an accountant. Creativity isn't in my DNA ... so when something as simple and easy to use as Canva comes along to fill that gap for my business .. what's not to like.
When I started my business, over 11 years now, there was no Canva.  You either used Photoshop or a Graphic Designer.  I had no idea about Photoshop, so a Graphic Designer assumed the magic for me.  But the limitation that presented as a small business owner just starting out, was that it prevented me from having the flexibility to create content as and when I needed it done.  I needed to work to another persons schedule.  And whilst that was the only option available to me at the time, it was tough to be consistent with getting my content out there.
Then came Canva ... what a shift.  Whilst Graphic Designers still play a part in my business journey, Canva provides more flexibility for me to create content on my terms and in my time.  But that's not all.  Canva have such many benefits and ways in which I use it for my business .. take a listen. A x
Featured Content ...
Why I signed up to the paid version of Canva [1:58]
The branding features of Canva and why I love them so much [2:08]
The background removal feature and what I've used it for [3:30]
Free stock images [5:19]
My love of project folders [5:58]
The wonderful world of Templates in Canva [6:38]
Template categories I use [6:49]
What I love most about Templates [7:19]
Transparent background feature for images [9:57]
Resizing images [10:07]
How I have created Slide deck templates [11:11]
How Canva has assisted in helping me build Business report templates and PDF downloads [11:19]
The cost of Canva's Pro Version [12:28]
Resources I have created in Canva that you can check out...
Free Guide to Business Forecasting (PDF Download)
Free Elements of a Successful Pricing Strategy (PDF Download)
Free 3 Things you can do daily to improve your cashflow (PDF Download)
My website
Canva Code :

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022

"Every shortcut has a price usually greater than the reward"
It becomes increasingly concerning with every facebook post, on every business forum when I see business owners completely consumed with sales, with social media, with funnels.  Where are those business owners who are consumed by business success? Where are they asking for assistance to help them to create solid financial foundations in their business?
I know where they are... they are the ones too scared to look at their bank balances, are kept awake at night working out ways to make this game of being in business work.  With not one consideration that the answer is under their noses ... know your numbers!
Instead, they choose very obviously to bypass this part of the framework needed to set up a successful business ... they take the short cut straight to selling. Straight to spending money on advertising, on setting up their instaworthy offices ... only to find themselves struggling right from day one to make money and make the money in their business count.
Stop taking shortcuts!!!  What's the rush? The reality ... your business will be around longer if you take the time now.  There is no need to rush. This episode is a timely reminder as we move into a new financial year, that it's never too late to get it right.  But you need to trash this idea that you can simply bypass this part of the process, and embrace the new norm of taking the time to do things right.  There are no shortcuts! 
But, it comes with a warning.  Only those serious about making real progress in their businesses need listen. Look around, because those you admire, those successful business owners ... they already know this stuff.  Take a listen. A x
Some resources that may assist you with getting more acquainted with your numbers;
Free PDF download : A guide to business forecasting
Free PDF download : 3 things you can do daily to improve your cashflow
Mini Course : Getting started with Xero
Mini Course : Getting started with Quickbooks
Join my community for tips and support :

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022

"Consistent action creates consistent results" - Christine Kane
My guest on this episode epitomises the sentiment that consistent actions create consistent results.  Karen Ahl, founder of Web-Sta (a bespoke web design agency) and Business Growth & Engagement Coaching, is putting in the reps when it comes to building not only two very successful businesses for herself, but also when it comes to her health and fitness. 
Karen takes a moment out of her very business schedule to talk about establishing Web-Sta back in 2006 after taking on the rock climbing wall industry, and the natural transition from web design to being a Business Growth & Engagement Coach.  
Throughout this episode we look at;
the 3 features every website should have,
how the digital world has impacted brand loyalty
to the place good old fashioned networking and referrals still have in business today 
We discuss the importance of choosing the right person for the job, and how mindset and consistency play a big part in running a successful business and personal pursuits such as health and fitness.  You'll find everything from tamagotchi's (IYKYK) to body building in this episode ... so be sure to take a listen. A x
Connect with Karen Ahl
Facebook (Coaching) |
Facebook (Web-Sta) |
Linked In (Personal) |
Youtube |
Websites | and
Other resources Karen mentioned throughout the episode
Karen's Blog Post : 38 Things I Wish I Knew About Business Before Starting
The Profit Masterclass Course
More resources
My Small Business Cashflow Course :

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022

I know you've heard the term, I know you know it's something you really should be doing as a business owner, so why haven't you done so yet?  In my experience a lot of it has to do with confidence, a lot to do with time and a hell of a lot to do with just not seeing any immediate purpose for it because you are busy with marketing, making sales and doing business.
Well my friend, now is the time to make time.  There is such volatility in the market at the moment, consumer habits are changing and we are being forced to think differently.  So why not start the change with a financial forecast to help you shape the future.
In this episode my conversation is centred around the foundations of financial forecasting and what benefits it can have on your business.  How understanding various aspects of how your business operates, can make this process not only easier for you, but more effective.  I talk fixed and variable components, pricing impact and controls, stress testing or scenario testing your business, being flexible and realistic along with importance of re-evaluating your assumptions for them to stay relevant.
If you don't already ... you should. Take a listen. A x
Topics of interest throughout the episode;
Starting with what you know [4:45]
Fixed and Variable elements of your business [4:45]
A chat on Fixed [5:34]
Identifying drivers of change [6:18]
A chat on Variable [6:34]
Pricing models [7:50]
Stress testing or Scenario testing your business [10:07]
The fun part [11:05]
Forecasting integrity [11:50]
Optimistic forecasting [12:22]
Measurement [13:18]
Forecasting for significant shifts [16:07]
The key take aways from this episode;
Understand the key drivers of your numbers
Identify what is fixed and variable
Use what information you have available to you to understand business trends
Stress test scenarios in your business to see what makes the most sense
Be realistic and flexible in your approach to your forecast
Commit to the strategy
Relevant links as mentioned throughout;
Small Business Cashflow Course
Book a Discovery Call
Sign up to my community



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