The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada
Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Is this you? Do you find your business living day to day or sale to sale just to pay the bills? Just to make ends-meat whilst you are working your butt off yet you’re fully booked .. and you feeling like you’re playing Tetris when it comes to moving money around to make it work?
I recently polled a number of business owners and asked them to explain in their own words what cashflow meant to them.
An overwhelming 95% of those that I polled told me it was sales. When I dug a little deeper to see whether they had an extended version of their understanding of cashflow, 87% of the 95% stuck with sales.
I can appreciate that sales plays an extremely important part in cashflow of small business. But the trap I’m seeing over and over is that many business owners are disregarding the other significant aspects of cashflow.
The reality, cash moves even if no sale is made … so why aren’t we focused on ensuring that we manage it just as effectively?
Join me as I work through the common mistakes business owners run into when they make sales the only focus when addressing their cashflow needs. A x
🔗 WAITLIST FOR CASHFLOW ONLINE COURSE : For the latest training announcement and early access to all the cool free resources I have developed, join here … or through the link in my bio
If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe and turn on those notifications so you receive alerts when a new episode drops.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Think : work hard, play hard! My journey to where I am today was far from traditional. But I got here.
Whilst it’s sad but true, I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be in business. Even more so, that I knew that the best path there was in the field of Accounting because I learnt quickly that the heart of any business started and ended with their numbers. I see the world in black in white, so it was only natural that I gravitated towards a career that was black and white.
One of the things I love about what I do, is that one plus one will always equal two. There is no grey area.
But what a crazy ride it’s been to get here. Because whilst I gravitated to accounting as a profession … I’m anything but a traditional accountant. I never could be, it just wasn’t in my nature. So I needed to find the right path for me that would provide the right education and support needed to land where I wanted to land, whilst staying true to myself.
So this is my story. Everything from nearly being kicked out of uni to camping through Africa to challenge my comfort zone and ensure that I was where I needed to be. Join me … A x
If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe and turn on those notifications so you receive alerts when a new episode drops.
For the latest training announcement and early access to all the cool free resources I have developed, join here …

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Let me ask you this ... Have you ever been in the position where you are struggling with an aspect of your business, have no idea how to move the needle to make it work and you feel like your back is against the wall?? Then along comes an ad for a webinar that promises to resolve the issue for you by simply signing up to a webinar that will provide you with the secret sauce. And to sweeten the deal, the webinar is free!
I grew up in a time when you held your cards close to your chest when it came to your services and what value you could provide. It was the strategy of the time. You weren't going to give away too much, but certainly not as much as we do now. In all fairness we do live in the information age now and thats the ticket to getting the balance right so much so that you provide enough that keeps your audience wanting what you have over anyone else offering the same thing. A balancing act to say the least. But one that's effective. This is where webinars come in and are a great vehicle to do this exact thing. If of course it's done well enough. The kind of webinar that gives you something really tangible to take away and execute immediately into you business regardless of whether you purchase the offer that's presented at the end or not.
Now whilst I'm not an expert on delivering webinars, I've taken a few in my time not only as a business owner, but during my corporate days.
In this episode, I break down my thoughts on the following aspects when it comes to the topic of webinars.
[3:00] How I'm all for selling of goods or services through webinars, in fact I'm support it and think it's a great way to do so
[7:23] The 3 elements a webinar should have to ensure it's an effective selling tool
[10:10] Aspects of webinars that I loathe and why we should be challenging their current structures
[13:15] Why i'm motivated to discuss webinars at this point in my business
Webinars are now going to be something that I provide to you, my audience on a regular basis. As such, and the best way for me to reach you reliably to advise when topics will be presented, webinars scheduled or even new free content is available, is via my mailing list. To sign up to be part of my mailing list to have early access to announcements and member only discounts, simply head to my website
And if you haven't already, please don't forget to subscribe to this podcast and/or leave a review ... your continued support means the world to me. A x

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
It's always a pleasure having a guest appear on my podcast. So of course, this week, I was very excited to be joined by the talented and insightful Em Sparrow from Em Sparrow Design.
Em tore up her acceptance letter to business school and moved to Australia because like her work she has always looked at life like this —the goal is to design something that feels good. So the Canadian prairie girl left everything behind to find something more —a box with an ocean view that fits her style instead of trying to cram her future into someone else’s vision.What started as a leap year to travel before university led to many more living on the opposite side of the world. Since then, she has now built a business that aligns with the life she wants and helps others do the same.
Owner of Em Sparrow Design, Em and her team help female-led businesses build out-of-the-box custom web solutions that help her clients grow and scale to sig-figure businesses. Her passion is more than just building 'pretty' websites. She finds her creativity in functionality.
In this episode, we got to chat about Em’s business journey, all things websites, the importance of the planning phase when it comes to thinking about what sort of website you want for your business and the profound piece of advice she has for anyone going into business.
Whether you’re a do-it-yourself-er or looking to have your website professionally done, Em opens up and shares some amazing insight and useful tips in this episode, so it’s one that can’t be missed. Be sure to take a listen. Ax
If you'd like to get in contact with Em Sparrow, you will find her hanging out here ...
Facebook :
Instagram :
Website :

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
We live in such a fortunate time when it comes to having access to technology to run our businesses. And sometimes this can help and at times it can hinder. So in this episode I wanted to shine a spotlight on 5 of the tech tools that I use on a daily basis to help move my business forward.
Certainly nothing ground breaking but it's the simplest of resources in our every day that can have the biggest impact. And I've found with with each of the tools that I have highlighted throughout this episode.
Now I know that whilst my business isn't techie or anything, not even complicated as such ... but I also know that I run my business just like so many business owners, so sharing this knowledge may provide the insight others might need to address some of the concerns in their businesses. Or it may even uncover a different way of using the same tech to serve a different purpose in our every day business operations.
So this episode is my own private ode to the tech tools that not only do I love, but help me get through each day.
This episode discussed tools that relate to;
Project Management
The organisation of all my business ideas and how to simplify this
Ways to make the assets and content that I create in my business look fabulous
Video editing and why you don't need to be a tech creator to be able to perform these simple tasks in your business.
And of course ... financial management and how to use platforms to turn an ordinary number into something more meaningful that you can control and make work for you.
If any of these areas highlighted have you saying ... "yeah, I'd love to know more about what I can use to assist me in that area of my life" ... then this is the episode for you.
Here's a snippet of the content contained within to help you navigate the episode;
[03:12] Discussion of my use of Trello as a business tool and how to make it work to ensure that I remain organised, my project ideas are captured and even how I use it to help with my social media.
[07:53] How Asana complements Trello in my business and why I choose Asana for parts of my daily management of tasks and not all of them.
[12:14] When getting summoning the creative Gods can be difficult when you're not a creative, or even if you are, how Canva can move the needle with ease and professionalism.
[14:32] Video is the new black when it comes to delivering content in our business. So I discuss my use of iMovie and how being non technical in this area didn't matter to how great my content turns out.
[16:07] Of course, being financially focused, how using a combination of Xero and Excel makes the world of difference between just being profitable, and being a sustainable profitable business long term.
[19:21] With a new cash flow online course coming out January 2022, I wanted to provide some insight and put it into context for you all.
[20:28] For those interested in getting in early on this online course opportunity, as a founding member of the course, there is 50% off. To register your interest, email me at with the subject line of "Cashflow founding membership please" and I'll send you more information.
[21:35] And of course, those action points for you to take with you from this episode.
I also referenced freebie downloads, and they can be found on my website
And if you haven't already, please don't forget to subscribe to the podcast ... your support means the world to me. A x

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
The impact pricing our products and services has on our businesses overall profitability is significant. And when we strip back the layers of what is the pricing lifecycle of a product or service it becomes highly evident that without a solid strategy you may be not only selling yourself (and your business) short, but it can result in cashflow erosion and that’s not good for sustainability.
So in this episode, I wanted to spend a moment examining the lifecycle of our pricing, how it impacts profitability, what the flow on effects are and how to get started with an effective pricing structure that is right for your business. We examine the types of pricing strategies that are available to us, and how the perfect price point is all yours for the taking when the fundamentals are employed.
If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe and turn on those notifications so you receive alerts when a new episode drops.
Go on the waitlist for my pricing online course available in 2022 : email
To access my free download on getting started with pricing strategies : head to my website

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
There is a lot of work we can do when it comes to creating growth and profitability in our businesses … but this work can only be done if we get behind it and drive the change. Often in this space we are confronted with obstacles that present themselves in the form of emotion, beliefs, mindset, habits that we find difficult to identify, address and shift.
In this episode, I wanted to take a moment away from the physical strategies that we can employ to create the financial abundance in our business and discuss some of the emotional ones that are holding us back. In particular our limiting beliefs and relationship with our money.
Financial blocks are real, and are often engrained in us from childhood which make it difficult to shift our mindset. So in this episode I touch on some of the ways to help shift these blocks and create the financial abundance we work so hard to achieve. So take a moment with we as we explore these.

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
I love a great business story where a business owner is so passionate about their product and service and they give everything they have to getting not only the idea of the ground but creating a business around it. This is hard work … so it pains me when I see the same business owners struggling to keep the business going.
And it has nothing to do with the product or service, but more so in relation to the business model they have built around it. So in this episode, I wanted to talk a little about the differences with having a great product or service business that is surviving, as opposed to one that is thriving! I’ll be discussing the foundations that make a business successful along with some growth strategies that you can employ to create a sustainable business to ensure you keep being able to do what you love. So take a listen. A x
If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe and turn on those notifications so you receive alerts when a new episode drops.
⚠️ And if you are wanting to make a significant change now, I have a new CASHFLOW challenge starting on the 1st October! Details on my website or in my 🔗 Link in bio

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Financial literacy or lack there of in business poses a significant issue when it comes to survival. And there is so much packed into the financial side of business that can offer the help that most business owners need to succeed, yet it continues to be the aspect of business that is ignored or put in the “too hard” basket. And it’s such a shame!
The reality is that, every decision made in business impacts your financial outcomes. EVERY.SINGLE.DECISION. So why wouldn’t you want to know more about making it count?
In this episode, I explore what Financial Literacy means to me, means to business owners … share the experiences of those that I have worked with demonstrating in no uncertain terms how taking the time to make it a priority can make a significant impact on the financial aspects of YOUR business!
⚠️ And if you are wanting to make a significant change now, I have a new CASHFLOW challenge starting on the 1st October!
So take a listen. A x

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
As business owners we have been tested over the last 18 months as our businesses fight to mange the strain that the COVID pandemic has put on them. So it comes as no surprise that business owners are feeling the financial distress that they are. So in this episode, I wanted to talk about financial distress, how to recognise it, what things you may be able to do to help during this time, and of course the power of modelling various areas in your business to further help. Be sure to take a listen. A x

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