The boring sh!t in business Podcast with Amy Bajada
Ahh the boring sh!t in business .. you know the sh!t I'm talking about! Profit margins, cash flow, forecasting, strategy .. oh my! Eyes rolling? Then you've come to the right place! I have developed a platform here to break the stigma attached with the boring components of business. It's here to provide education, fun, provoke discussion and challenge the notion that our numbers may actually not be as boring as they seem. Don't believe me? Have a listen! A x
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Financial literacy or lack there of in business poses a significant issue when it comes to survival. And there is so much packed into the financial side of business that can offer the help that most business owners need to succeed, yet it continues to be the aspect of business that is ignored or put in the “too hard” basket. And it’s such a shame!
The reality is that, every decision made in business impacts your financial outcomes. EVERY.SINGLE.DECISION. So why wouldn’t you want to know more about making it count?
In this episode, I explore what Financial Literacy means to me, means to business owners … share the experiences of those that I have worked with demonstrating in no uncertain terms how taking the time to make it a priority can make a significant impact on the financial aspects of YOUR business!
⚠️ And if you are wanting to make a significant change now, I have a new CASHFLOW challenge starting on the 1st October!
So take a listen. A x
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
As business owners we have been tested over the last 18 months as our businesses fight to mange the strain that the COVID pandemic has put on them. So it comes as no surprise that business owners are feeling the financial distress that they are. So in this episode, I wanted to talk about financial distress, how to recognise it, what things you may be able to do to help during this time, and of course the power of modelling various areas in your business to further help. Be sure to take a listen. A x
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
With us turning our attention to wrapping up the last financial year and getting our tax sorted, I thought this episode could be all about tax deductions and ways you can save on paying tax this tax season. Limited to obvious deductions, I turn my attention to home office deductions and any relevant changes with COVID and a discussion around the differences between employee and business owner in this area. Self education as it presented itself as a big focus last financial year, along with the stock standard travel, some business related deductions and uniforms for those that this may be relevant for. There is something for everyone. So be sure to take a listen. A x
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
In this episode we explore the two types of profit found in business .. the Gross Profit and of course out Net Profit. During the discussion I set out to not only define each type of Profit in our business, but to talk through the relevance of each individually along with how you could use the information they both provide to you and of course the differences that exist between the two of them. Both very important at representing the profit at different phases of the production and earnings process in any business, a necessary discussion I’d say. Take a listen. A x
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
In my experience all too often business owners fail to see the disconnect between their profit and their cash. You see whilst one drives the other … ie: profit should improve cash, there is a distinct timing difference that many fail to understand through this process. It is here that I find that many business owners become disheartened and often confused when their bank account doesn’t look like their profit figure. But there are reasons for that! So in this episode, I wanted to explore this distinction along with discussing some of the pitfalls of thinking that they should. Be sure to take a listen to this one. A x
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
On this episode, I’m going to be discussing 10 things no one tells you about when you go into business. Having worked with many business owners over the years, I’ve identified a pattern of the “Oh I wish I knew this” moments that seem to be relative to all industries and all business types. Whether they be product based or service based. So I’m going to give it to you straight … and if you’ve already started your business and found yourself thinking the same sorts of things or even may think they may become a thing, know that it’s not too late to take a moment and get it right. Just may make all the difference. Take a listen. A x
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
In recent correspondence with a new client, my service rate was challenged only when it came time to make payment on the final invoice. Prior to that, I had received nothing but praise for the work we’d done together, how much better they were feeling about everything and excited to be moving forward. Now whilst this is nothing new, it’s wrong to be so snarky when it comes to paying what’s due. So I thought, in light on this conversation that I would address the time being challenged! So in this episode, I’m outlining exactly what it takes to put together a “simple” coaching call or program, most of which gets done behind the scenes. So here it is, a very transparent discussion about what I put into (and I’m sure a lot of other service based business owners do too) a “simple” session for my clients. Take a listen. A x
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
In this episode, I had a pleasure of sitting down to talk all things business with the owners from Personally Picked. Kezia and Samantha joined me to explore their amazing business, a build-your-own gift box company designed to put their customers in the drivers seat when it comes to choosing the box contents, and to talk about being in business together as friends, choosing roles, what they’ve learned about their journey so far, and how the product procurement part of their business is one of their favourite things to do. So much to learn from these amazing young successful women. Take a moment and have a listen. A x
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
In this episode I wanted to take a closer look at cost comparisons and how business owner present their information to support their purpose. I recently came across a social media post that advocated for a contractor over full time employee and did so with a clear visual of costs … only to examine the costs a little closer to find they were wrong!!! Got me thinking, how many business owners haven’t considered this. So thought I’d address it. After all, it could have severe consequences. Take a listen. A x
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Happy new financial year … love me a new year, a fresh start and the abundance of opportunity to create the next year of my business. In this episode I reflect on how using the financial information you have accumulated in the last financial year, 2021, can provide the foundations for a successful 2022. So as to look to the new financial year, with certainty, confidence and a plan. Take a listen. A x
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